How to Prepare for Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery is an intimidating prospect, regardless of whether you’re dealing with wisdom tooth extraction, dental implant placement or a corrective jaw surgery. A well-planned preparation can greatly ease your fears and ensure a successful result. In this article, we’ll guide you through the most important steps to take in preparing to undergo oral surgery at Kolkata and ensure the most comfortable and smooth experience.

Consultation with your Oral Surgeon

The initial and most crucial step to prepare for oral surgery is to schedule an appointment with your dentist. At this time, you’ll talk about the medical background of your oral health, as well as the procedure you’re having. It is essential to be upfront regarding your medical condition or medications as well as any allergies you might need to make sure your dentist is equipped with the right information to perform an effective procedure. In Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic, We have a highly skilled and skilled oral surgeon who can satisfy your needs.

Understand the Procedure

Be sure to know more about the procedure you’ll undergo. The dentist at our clinic will provide the specifics and procedures, but conducting some research before the procedure can allow you to ask more informed questions and reduce anxiety. Knowing what you can expect will reduce stress.

Follow Preoperative Instructions

The oral surgeon at our clinic will give you specific instructions for your preoperative procedure to adhere to in the days preceding your procedure. This could comprise fasting over a specific period of time, avoiding certain medications, and abstaining from smoking and drinking alcohol. It is crucial to adhere to these guidelines to limit the chance of complications occurring following surgery and afterward.

Arrange Transportation

A majority of oral procedures require anesthesia. This means you’ll be unable to drive yourself home from the surgery. Make arrangements for a responsible adult to take you to the center for surgery and then drive you back home. It is a good idea to have someone who can assist you throughout the initial healing process is also recommended.

Prepare Your Recovery Space

Make sure you have a relaxing and comfortable area for recovery at your own home. Make sure you have a supply of soft food that won’t harm the surgical area, like soup, yogurt, or potato mash. Be sure to have enough pillows to support yourself when you sleep since sleeping on your back can be uncomfortable following surgery.

Dental Hygiene

Maintaining a healthy oral hygiene routine is crucial prior to dental surgery. Cleanse and floss your teeth with care to limit the chance of getting an infection. Our surgeon could provide you with an antimicrobial mouthwash prior to your surgery.

Dress Comfortably

The day before the procedure, wear loose and comfortable clothes. Avoid collars with tights since they may cause discomfort with the IV lines or any other monitoring equipment. Slip-on shoes are an excellent option, as it may be difficult to bend over to tie the laces following the procedure.

Arrange for Aftercare

Get the assistance of an individual from your family or a friend to support you during the first 24 – 48 hours following surgery. They can assist you by cooking meals, taking medications, and providing emotional support during the initial period of recovery.

Communications with Surgeon

Should you be concerned or have concerns or queries prior to the procedure, Don’t be afraid to contact us. It is crucial to communicate clearly with us to make sure you’re well-prepared and aware of the procedure.

Relaxation and Stress Management

Controlling anxiety and stress is essential in the process of preparing for oral surgery. Try relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga during the days preceding your procedure. This will help to reduce stress levels and help speed up recovery.


The preparation for oral surgery is not difficult when you follow the correct approach. Begin by consulting with Us and complying with our advice. Learning about the procedure, following the preoperative instructions and creating an environment that is comfortable for recovery at home are crucial actions to ensure a successful operation and a quick recovery.

Be sure to communicate with your surgeon, and a proper self-care routine is an essential element of your preparation. If you take these steps with a serious attitude and are proactive during your preparations will significantly increase the chances of having a successful oral surgery in Kolkata and a speedy recovery.

Why do people get dental implants?

Dental implants have become a popular option for people who are missing one or more teeth. They are an effective and long-lasting solution that can restore both the function and appearance of your teeth. 

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are dental procedures where one can restore missing teeth using advanced dental technology. The teeth you get after the implants are permanent teeth that look and function the same as natural teeth.

Why get dental implants?

In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons why people get dental implants.

  1. Improved Functionality: One of the most common reasons why people get dental implants is to improve their oral functionality. When you are missing teeth, it can be difficult to chew your food properly, which can lead to digestive problems. Dental implants can restore your ability to chew properly, which can improve your overall health.
  2. Enhanced Appearance: Missing teeth can also affect your appearance, which can be a source of embarrassment and self-consciousness. Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, so they can restore your confidence and improve your overall appearance. This is especially important for people who work in jobs that require them to interact with the public or speak in front of others.
  3. Durability: Dental implants are designed to last for many years, even decades, with proper care. They are made from high-quality materials that are designed to withstand the wear and tear of daily use. This means that you won’t have to worry about replacing them in the near future, which can save you both time and money in the long run.
  4. Improved Speech: Missing teeth can also affect your ability to speak properly, which can be a source of frustration and embarrassment. Dental implants can restore your ability to speak clearly and confidently, which can improve your overall quality of life.
  5. Prevent Bone Loss: When you lose a tooth, the bone that is used to support it can start to deteriorate. This can lead to further tooth loss and other oral health problems. Dental implants are designed to stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss, which can help preserve the health of your jawbone and surrounding teeth.
  6. Convenience: Dental implants are a convenient option for people who don’t want to deal with the hassle and inconvenience of dentures or bridges. Unlike dentures, which can slip or fall out of place, dental implants are securely anchored in your jawbone. This means that you can eat, drink, and speak normally without worrying about your teeth shifting or moving around.
  7. Improved Oral Health: Missing teeth can also affect your oral health in other ways. For example, it can make it more difficult to clean your teeth properly, which can lead to gum disease and other oral health problems. Dental implants can restore your ability to clean your teeth effectively, which can help prevent these problems from occurring.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why people get dental implants. Whether you are missing one tooth or several teeth, dental implants can restore your oral functionality, appearance, and overall quality of life. If you are interested in learning more about dental implants, talk to your dentist to find out if they are right for you.

Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic in Kolkata is a leading dental clinic that offers dental implants from the top implantologist who is ready to restore your smile and give you the complete smile that you want.

What does a cosmetic dentist do?

Cosmetic dentists can transform smiles and assist their patients in achieving the attractive looks they seek. Having healthy teeth is excellent, but if you want your teeth and gums to appear their best, a cosmetic dentist is the way to go. They provide dental cleanings, teeth whitening, teeth shaping, composite bonding, and other dental treatments. 

Cosmetic dentistry not only improves your smile but also improves your self-esteem. A cosmetic dentist can help you if your teeth are too big, too little, or crooked. They will make substantial repairs to your teeth, entirely reconstruct them, and fix them so that it appears as good as new for more dental disorders. Cosmetic dentists can also assist with discoloration caused by tea drinking, cigarette usage, etc. 

Cosmetic dentists perform the following procedures, in addition to numerous other dental treatments:

  • Teeth whitening: This process, often known as “teeth bleaching,” can whiten and brighten your teeth if they have stains and discoloration. The cosmetic dentist will first cover the gums before applying a whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide to the tooth’s surface. After that, powerful laser light is flashed on your teeth to activate the gel and speed up the bleaching process. Teeth whitening can be performed either in the dental clinic or at home. It is critical to consult with your dentist first because everyone’s teeth can not be bleached.
  • Dental veneers: For decades, dental veneers have been considered the gold standard in cosmetic dental operations. Dental veneers are custom-made from resin or porcelain composite and are intended to change the appearance of your teeth by changing the shape, color, or size once bonded in place. Veneers are suitable for patients having dark stains that do not fade with whitening, as well as shattered or broken front teeth. 
  • Inlays and Onlays: Inlays and Onlays are comprised of porcelain, gold, or composite materials used to repair broken or decayed teeth. Inlays and Onlays are now commonly manufactured in a dental laboratory and adhered to the teeth with adhesive dental cement. When the material is bonded within the center of a tooth, the filling is called an “inlay”. When the filling encompasses one or more points of the tooth or covers the biting surface, it is called an “onlay.” Inlays and Onlays give support to strengthen teeth, maintain their shape, and prevent future decay.
  • Dental implants: Dental implants are used to replace teeth that have been lost due to an extraction, accident, or other dental problems. The dentist will place a screw into your jaw to support the implant. The cosmetic dentist will insert a small titanium screw into the jaw where the missing tooth was. After adhering to the bone, the screw acts as a support for a crown. Implants blend with the natural teeth once the crown is attached to the screw. Plaque and food debris must not be allowed to collect in the area around the implant.

Do you want to improve your smile? The best cosmetic dentists at TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic can help you achieve your goals, whether you desire a Whiter, brighter smile or entirely transform your appearance. Contact TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic today.

How can dental sealants protect your teeth from decay?

Of course, brushing and flossing are the best ways to prevent cavities, but cleaning the nooks and crannies of your teeth can be challenging. Leftover food in your mouth can set off a chain reaction that weakens the enamel of your teeth, putting you at risk of dental decay. If your teeth are prone to decay, dental sealants can help you prevent cavities from forming. Experienced dentists of the best dental clinic frequently recommend dental sealants to safeguard your teeth’s vulnerable areas. It acts as a barrier to keep out food particles, plaque, and germs that can cause cavities.

What are Dental Sealants?

A dental sealant is a practical approach to prevent tooth decay from occurring inside the tooth, which can save you money on root canals and other major dental surgeries. A dental sealant is a thin, white or clear plastic coating applied directly to your teeth by your dentist. 

Molars and premolars are the most common teeth that require sealants because they do most of the chewing. Dental sealants are liquids applied onto the teeth to seal away all the gaps and spaces and then dried using a specific curing light. 

Thus it prevents acids and plaque from degrading the enamel of your teeth. Depending on the number of teeth to be sealed, the procedure can last from a few minutes to an hour and is painless. According to the American Dental Association, a dental sealant on permanent molars reduces the incidence of cavities by 80% 

When is the time to seal the teeth?

Permanent molars are more vulnerable to tooth decay and benefit the most from dental sealants. Most decay begins in the tiny pits and grooves on the biting surfaces of the rear teeth (molar). The permanent molars appear in most youngsters around the age of six. 

Sealing these teeth as soon as they emerge can help keep them cavity-free from the beginning, saving time and money in the long term. Some children’s baby teeth develop with recesses. In some circumstances, placing sealants on a younger child may be a good option. Ask your dentist whether sealants are a good option for you and your family.

How are dental sealants put on?

  • First, the dentist will use an explorer to inspect your back teeth for grooves.
  • Then the dentist will clean and dry your teeth before using an acidic gel on them. The acidic gel is applied to prepare the surface of your teeth for the sealant. The liquid roughens the surface of the teeth and allows the sealant to bond properly with the teeth.
  • After that, the dentist will wash the excess gel from the teeth and dry it well. 
  • Finally, the sealant is applied to the enamel of the teeth with a tiny brush. It will then be hardened by your dentist using a unique blue light.

It is recommended that you visit at least every six months. It may vary depending on your present state of health. If you are ready to acquire dental sealants, contact TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic to make an appointment.

What happens when gum disease goes untreated?

You are not alone if you have been diagnosed with gum disease. Gum disease is a gum and bone infection, and it can cause tooth loosening or tooth loss. Gum disease can be cured in its early stages, but you have to go to the dentist quickly.

It is mainly caused by an accumulation of bacteria in the gums, usually as a result of poor oral hygiene, and its early stages are characterized by swelling, redness, and gum bleeding. Untreated gum disease can lead to problems that damage not only your dental health but also your general health. Brushing and flossing twice a day and visiting the dental clinic will considerably enhance your odds of successfully treating gum disease and lowering your risk of acquiring it.

Untreated gum disease can lead to the following serious health issues 

  • Pain: The early stages of gum disease are usually painless. But when you do not treat your gum disease, it will eventually proceed to periodontitis, which can be extremely painful and need oral surgery. 
  • Diabetes: Bacteria generally multiply in environments rich in sugar. It encourages microorganisms to assault the gums and teeth. Gum disease may put patients at risk for diabetes by raising their blood sugar levels.
  • Tooth loss: One of the most serious risks of untreated gum disease is tooth loss. Gum disease can separate your gums from your teeth. If this occurs, your teeth may get loose and finally fall out. In this case, cosmetic dentistry will help to go away this dental issue.
  • Alzheimer’s disease: Gum disease has even been related to an increased chance of developing Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disease. It begins with memory loss, which worsens with time. Researchers have cautioned people to avoid any health issues, such as gum disease, that can precipitate the start of Alzheimer’s disease.

The hazards of untreated gum disease are numerous, and treatment is easy, quick, and painless. Make an appointment with the expert dentists at TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic today for a check-up, and never worry about untreated gum disease again.

Will a cracked tooth heal naturally?

Everyone should go to the dentist at least once a year. People can now preserve their natural teeth for longer with dental technology. Things could go wrong between your visits to the dentist. It could happen that you engage in several crack-inducing actions, like grinding, clenching or chewing on sharp objects. This can lead to your tooth breaking. Depending upon the severity of the crack, you might decide to not do anything. A cracked tooth, unlike your bones with many blood arteries and can not be repaired by itself. Here’s everything you need to know about broken teeth and what you should do if you have them.

Signs and symptoms of a broken tooth

This is the sign of a chipped tooth:

  • Sharp pain when chewing food, especially after releasing the bite
  • Sensitivity To Hot and Cold Temperatures
  • Symptoms that are unpredictable and difficult to locate
  • Swollen or swollen gums surrounding a broken tooth

Treatments on a Broken Tooth

  • Dental bonding, fillings and crowns: A dental expert may be able to save your tooth even if there are only minor cracks or chips on the chewing surface. The resin will be used in fillings to seal the enamel and to protect the pulp against microorganisms.
  • Root canal treatment: If the crack is too large or damages the roots, your dentist will recommend a root-canal procedure. This dental treatment removes any damaged pulp and prevents it from becoming infected.
  • Crown: A crown or ceramic protective cap for a chipped or damaged tooth is made from porcelain or ceramic. Dental crowns are recommended for weaker teeth and to restore chewing or grinding ability. The procedure can take up to 2 weeks and requires some tooth shaving.

Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic provides a variety of cosmetic dental operations by highly-trained dentists. They’re always trained in the latest cosmetic dentistry techniques so that you can restore your chipped tooth in the most conservative way possible.

What are the causes of tooth sensitivity to cold temperatures?

Summer means ice cream and popsicles. A sensitive tooth can lead to sharp pains in your teeth due to temperature sensitivity. The reason for this is that your tooth enamel’s protective layer may wear away and expose the soft, inner portion of your tooth called the dentin. It contains the nerves. Tooth sensitivity occurs when dentin is exposed. If you are unable to drink your favorite cold beverages, you will need to identify the root cause.

How to treat cold sensitivity in teeth

Here are the most frequent causes of tooth sensitivity.

  • Brushing with a toothpick and aggressive brushing: It is important to floss and brush your teeth regularly. But if you brush your teeth too hard, your enamel could be damaged. This can lead to sensitive teeth. However, toothpicks can be used to remove food debris from the teeth after meals. Toothpicks may also cause damage to tooth enamel by being too hard.
  • Acidic mouthwashes: Just like acidic foods, acidic mouthwashes can strip away tooth enamel. Acidic mouthwashes can cause pre-existing sensitive reactions to become worse over time.
  • Gum disease or tooth damage: Plaque on the gums and teeth causes gum disease and tooth destruction. Gum disease, tooth decay, and cold-sensitive teeth can cause pain.
  • Stress and teeth grinding: Cold-sensitive teeth can also be caused by excessive tooth grinding (bruxism). This causes enamel to deteriorate and exposes nerves. Talk to a dentist about ways to protect your smile if you think you might be grinding your teeth.

Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic would be happy to help you make a booking for a dental cleaning. Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic has a team of dentists who are eager to help you establish healthy dental habits and learn more information about your teeth. For an appointment, call Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic right away.

What cosmetic procedures can enhance your smile?

Healthy smiles do more than improve your confidence and appearance. A healthy smile is essential for your overall health and oral well-being. Some problems, such as gaps, misalignment and staining, discoloration, and tooth decay, can affect your smile aesthetics and oral function.

Your smile should be improved for your health and appearance. A smile makeover might be the best option. When you visit the dentist, the dentist will first examine your teeth. Then, he or she will create a customized treatment plan to improve your smile. Many cosmetic procedures are required for smile makeovers, and this article will discuss the most common cosmetic dental procedures that can improve your smile.

  • Teeth Whitening: Professional teeth whitening is a simple technique in cosmetic dentistry that can reduce discoloration and staining. Professional teeth whitening can restore your smile’s youthful beauty.
  • Dental implants: Implants can replace missing or severely damaged teeth and enhance your smile. The treatment can take up to two appointments at the dentist and may take several months. The final product will feel and look like a natural tooth and provide a long-term solution for your missing teeth.
  • Gum contouring: It is an option for those with uneven gums, receding gums, or gummy smiles. A cosmetic dentist gently removes any gum that makes the person’s teeth appear shorter or more uneven using a soft tissue laser. Within a few days, the gums will heal.
  • Dental bonding: This is a dental bond that uses a composite material to enhance the appearance of damaged or discolored teeth. This is one of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry procedures. The dentist will apply a composite to the patient’s tooth and mold it to the correct form.

Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic has experienced cosmetic dentists that can help improve your smile. If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry services at TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic, call them or make an appointment.

What’s the best method to brighten your teeth?

The majority of products for whitening your teeth include peroxide, which blemishes the enamel, making your teeth appear whiter. The effectiveness of whitening treatments is typically measured by the level of peroxide present in the product. If you choose to whiten your teeth, then it is recommended that the American Dental Association (ADA) suggests you first meet with an experienced dentist in Kolkata. Only your dentist is able to tell whether your gums and teeth are in good condition to undergo the whitening procedure. Your dentist will also suggest the best options for teeth whitening and guide your treatment to ensure you do not have any issues.

  • Composite bonding, if your teeth need more assistance than professional whitening can offer, The composite bonding process could be the best option for you. It’s an ideal affordable solution for chipping and gaps. A flexible resin is made and shaped. Then, it is dried to give a solid and durable final. This process takes only one session.
  • Lasers for teeth whitening have been used for decades, but in the last few years, dental experts have found safe and effective methods to use lasers to lighten teeth. Lasers for teeth whitening are often able to increase the brightness of your teeth between six and twelve shades. In this procedure, lasers are utilized to activate and heat the hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel that does the whitening. The dentist will apply a gel barrier on the gum line to prevent the laser light from warming sensitive dental tissues in this procedure.
  • Porcelain veneers consist of thin porcelain shells that the dentist attaches to the surfaces of the teeth. If bleaching is not the best option for you, then this procedure is generally advised. Because veneers are made according to the specifications, the procedure can take up to weeks. After fitting, the veneers can last as long as 20 years.

It is important to talk to your dentist prior to starting any whitening procedure to receive assistance in choosing the right treatment for your particular objectives. Whichever treatment you choose, ensure that you maintain your fresh and beautiful teeth by regularly cleaning and flossing. If you’d like to be guided through your dental journey with an experienced and caring dentist, call TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic to schedule your first appointment.

What are the benefits of deep teeth cleaning?

A deep teeth cleaning is a process in which the dentist goes down to the root of the tooth, below the gum line, eliminating tartar and other build-ups from the pocket formed between the tooth and gums with specialized dental equipment. Deep teeth cleaning is also known as deep gum cleaning. It is generally indicated for people who haven’t had regular dental cleaning sessions in a while, but it may be recommended for anyone with periodontal problems or gum disease. If you haven’t seen a dentist in Kolkata recently, you should make an appointment for deep cleaning. 

  • Reduce gum disease: Usually, gum disease is caused by plaque build-up. Tooth plaque and bacteria can be removed with a deep tooth cleaning. If your gum line is infected, the dentist might do a deep cleaning to treat the problematic area. You may require one or two treatments depending on the severity of your disease. Patients with moderate gum disease should also have a deep cleaning and root planing. 
  • Prevents tooth loss: No matter how diligently you clean your teeth at home, there will be a natural build-up of plaque and bacteria on your gum line and teeth over time. This accumulation of plaque and germs can lead to gum disease because it cannot be eliminated at home with brushing and flossing alone. As a result, you will lose teeth in the long run. A deep cleaning by a dentist removes hardened plaque from your teeth and gum line, leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean.
  • Improved general well-being: Numerous studies have identified a correlation between your oral and overall health, which indicates that deep dental cleanings can aid in the early detection of potentially fatal disorders and prevent medical diseases linked to dental problems.
  • Avoid foul odour: Periodontal disease usually results in a foul odour coming from the mouth. Deep cleanings will keep your mouth odour-free.

Visit the experienced dentists at TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic regularly for cleanings or deep cleanings. If you miss those, you may be in danger of further dental concerns, such as periodontal disease. So, do not put off making a dentist visit.